07 May 2014

care labels and stuff

As I've been telling you here, I'm starting a kids' clothing label: Finch + Agnes!

It's exciting, nervewrecking, thrilling, all at the same time. Like a rollercoaster, my learning curve is very steep. My dear friend R - we have been whatsapping daily these past six months :) - fortunately has lots of experience in the field. Otherwise I would have quit early on.

It's definitely a different business from what I'm used to. There's negotiating, communicating, being véry detailistic when it comes to design, communicating some more, being a pain in the *** of the supplier, just to make sure he's still on your collection. It's a whole new ball game, that's for sure.

But the results are getting there. Take a look at the Finch + Agnes care labels

Surreal how ideas that have been in the back of my mind for ages, now come to life. And funny how happy one can be with care labels!

Stay tuned for more news about this exciting journey I'm taking.

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